Metro police began receiving multiple 911 calls early Friday morning from Cambria Hotel in downtown Nashville, all reporting a woman screaming for help. As officers arrived, hotel security had already separated the involved individuals, 41-year-old Anthony Denardis, and his fiancée, Sarah Lopez, both from Albuquerque, New Mexico. DeNardis, who was heavily intoxicated, reportedly got agitated and pushed her onto the bed, pinned her down, and began to attempt to assault her with his fists. She successfully defended herself, and no hits were landed, however she sustained some bruising on her shoulder from being pinned down. DeNardis suffered some scratches to his face as Sarah fought back in self-defense.

Anthony Gary Denardis was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on February 18th, charged with domestic assault/bodily injury. After posting a $1,000 cash bond he was released to his 8901 Paramount Court NE address in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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