Sakshi Chopra accuses Social Currency makers of sexual harassment. (Picture: Sakshi Chopra Instagram)
Trigger Warning: This article contains mention of sexual misconduct
Sakshi Chopra, an internet personality, and great-granddaughter of the legendary Indian filmmaker Ramanand Sagar, has accused the makers of the web series, Social Currency of sexual harassment. The internet personality, who usually grabs the limelight for her bold and quirky fashion choices, has taken to her Instagram account to share her ordeal. She claimed that the makers cheated upon her and made false promises until they could get the contract signed by her.
Social Currency makers accused of sexual harassment
Sakshi Chopra started her post by writing, “SEXUAL HARASSMENT at @netflix_in @solproductions_ I only signed because one call a day was PROMISED – In my contract. @netflix_in CHASED me for over a year even holding a respect team meeting to assure me what kind of show it was as I initially refused. @showrunnerchad SUFFOCATED me with calls & messages begging to be on this. They mislead me into believing it’s ONLY a game show with fun tasks like singing, content creation – No gossip no drama ONLY games (sic).”
Sakshi says they weren’t given food
The singer stated that the contestants were deprived of basic necessities. She wrote, “They didn’t give us food, not even behind the cameras. I must commend other contestants for goin through with this, I however am not made like that. I don give a single fuck about going through all this for fame or Netflix. Who the fuc lies to get someone to sign a contract & lock them in a house? Just bc I am bold in my choice of dressing, they assumed I would be okay with this dirt. I enjoy my music, family, self expression & peace. That’s all I want in my life. I was very clear if I didn’t get a call a day, I will not sign because I can’t live without mama. So they promised all these things & simply ignored them after I was in (sic)”
Sakshi Chopra’s co-contestant passed remarks on her physical attributes
Sakshi Chopra continued to write about the alleged unpleasant experiences she underwent during her participation in the show. She continued, “After what one contestant, Mridul openly said about my breasts & my ass, for them to record & play it for everyone to hear, plus make me hear it & hope for a reaction just for the sake of your ratings, after assuring me for one year it’s only a game show – WHAT? @Netflix_in, @Solproductions_ @fazila_sol @showrunnerchad @SanvariAlaghNair & @kamnamenezes allowed him to stay in the same house, locked with me. I cannot even explain how suffocating that was. It showed what these low class producers were capable of doing just for the sake of dirty entertainment. After this, when I asked for a call with mama to tell her, they refused to let me talk with her. Tasks like have strangers scratch your back & make orgasming sounds on the street, or you don’t get food. Let strangers in a goa club dance w you, pass sexual dirty remarks – or you don’t get food. no matter how I choose to dress, it does not allow you to outrage my modesty publicly, force me to do sexual tasks or you will not give me food, are you’ll ok? (sic)”
Sakshi states she was deprived of making a phone call to her mother
“My mama had no idea what was going on in the show as they were monitoring every call & message & when I tried to tell her about these tasks & sexual harassment they SNATCHED the phone from my hand, after that they didn’t let me call anymore. all I could tell her was please get me out of this show anyhow. Sadly my little dog Sam, who I spoke about was quite unwell & passed away soon after the shoot. He was with us for 17 years. A part of my heart died with him as I was only 8 when he came into my life. @Solproductions_ & @Netflix_in knew about this too & they scripted chats, blurred messages with sexual harassment details to portray what they wanted, this was a real lesson for me – I accept my fault for signing up with such dirty producers – farzila_sol, Sanvari & Kamna – how as women do you’ll sexually harass another woman, locking her in & won’t let her reach out to family after lying on your contract? @showrunnerchad who has 2 daughters knew what they were doing & didn’t care, for their ratings. Adios mathafuckas Enjoy the drama, it’s the last time I will participate in a nonsense show like this (sic),” concluded Sakshi Chopra.
Disclaimer: If you know someone who has experienced sexual assault of any kind, is going through depression or is suffering from a serious mental illness, reach out to a nearby doctor, mental health expert, or an NGO for immediate help.