The provisions of the budget brought a number of financial services under pressure. However, in the last many months when IT stocks came under pressure it was financial service stocks including banks which have been able to help the nifty recover. On days when global markets are under pressure and the nifty is showing signs of out performance. A number of times this up move is led by financial service and bank stocks. We take a look at what analysts are saying for select financial service stocks.
By ETMarkets.com
21 mins read,
We take a look at what analysts are saying on the stocks of the Nifty financial service index.This becomes important not only because they not only due to the fact, that in last many months whenever markets have faced pressure, it is the financial services and banks stocks which have helped it move upward, but also because of the fact that some of them had seen a sharp decline after the budget and now they are at levels, where analysts are
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